When looking for help for your small business, keep in mind the differences between hiring a virtual assistant and an employee. Don’t take our word for it, we urge you to do your own research and pick what is right for your business needs!

Virtual Assistant

  • As an independent contractor, a VA pays their own taxes and there are no overtime fees or benefits.

  • Provides own office space, equipment, office supplies and all needed utilities.

  • Only pay for the time worked on your projects.

  • No paid lunches or breaks.

  • Provides own training.

  • Motivated to stay on schedule.

  • Support only as needed.

  • Offers many specialized skills.

  • Flexible and work is completed in the time-frame agreed upon.


  • As the employer, you’re responsible for payroll taxes, social security, worker’s compensation, overtime fees and all employee benefits (health insurance, pto, etc.).

  • Must provide office space, equipment, office supplies, phone service, internet, electricity, etc.

  • Must pay for time spent at the office, even if all projects are completed.

  • Required to pay for breaks and maybe even lunches.

  • Must provide all training.

  • May waste time at work.

  • Must hire, train and support as needed.

  • Limited skill set or will need to provide additional training.

  • Generally works set hours during business hours.